On the journey from where you are to where Jesus wants you to be!
That doesn't happen alone.

A few key points for your leadership journey:

  • If this is your first time leading, or your first time leading a group in a while, please check out the Small Group Training Guide at the button below.

  • Over-communication is the best with your group. Email them when you get notified that they signed up and tell them how pumped you are, email/text before the first gathering, and text when someone misses touching base with them. Many groups even use apps like GroupME, which allow the group to text together throughout the week, and share prayer needs and exciting life news (using an app also prevents your text messages from exploding too).

  • Please remember to submit attendance after each time y'all meet. You'll get an automatic email reminder to do so. This helps us serve others well, especially in case someone is losing connection, we can reach out!


Watch Pastor Brandon’s Small Group Leader Training