Christmas At Greenville First


Christmas At Greenville is the perfect opportunity to be a part of a life-giving church this holiday season. Join us each week in December as we journey through the four themes of Advent. Our big Christmas Experience family-style service will be on Sunday, December 15!

DECEMBER 1 | 9:00am and 11:00am

DECEMBER 8 | 9:00AM and 11:00am

December 15 (FAMILY STYLE SERVICE) | 9:00am AND 11:00AM

December 22 | 9:00AM and 11:00am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | 4 PM | GKIDS provided for ages 3 and under

Advent Resources

  • Advent is for adoring Jesus.

    The Christmas season is one of the busiest times of the year. But it is also a season of reflection and preparation for that special day when we mark Immanuel’s coming—the arrival of our eternal God in our own frail humanity.

    This is the greatest of history’s many wonders, something too stupendous to celebrate just on one day. Advent is a way of lengthening and intensifying the joy of Christmas.

    These 25 brief devotional readings begin on December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our hope is that God would use these meditations to deepen and sweeten your adoration of Jesus and help you keep him at the center of your Christmas season.

    Daily Devotions: The Dawning of Indestructible Joy

  • Advent is a term that means “a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the coming of Christ.”

    In this 24-day plan, we’ll look at some of our favorite Christmas traditions and see how we can use each one to point back to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Advent Bible Reading Plan

  • The season of Advent and the anticipation of Christmas Day call our minds and hearts to the birth of our Savior over two thousand years ago. As we celebrate His coming in the flesh, we are invited to reflect on the weight of His arrival. What did Jesus come to accomplish? What are the ways He radically transformed the world and His people?

    He is here. He is with us. He is true hope, peace, joy, and love in the flesh. Let us rejoice, because He is the One the world was waiting for. Redeeming grace has come to us fully in the person of Jesus, so we remember and celebrate what He came to do, and we fix our eyes on His coming again.

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